
GDP per capita

Last updated: 2024-09-18

The list of purchasing power adjusted GDPGDP: per capitaper capita: for the OECDOECD: countries is a rough comparison of the living standards of countries. Measured this way, Sweden was the fourth richest OECDOECD: country in the 1970s.


Each year, the OECDOECD: compiles a table ranking its member countries according to their purchasing power adjusted GDPGDP: per capitaper capita:. “Purchasing power adjusted” means the GDPGDP: per capitaper capita: of the country has been adjusted with respect to price levels in order to increase comparability. The list thus shows the value of the production of the countries adjusted for both price levels and population size.

From the late 1970s until the early 1990s, the growth rate of Swedish GDPGDP: was weaker than that of the majority of the industrialised countries. During the deep recessionrecession: in 1991-1993, Swedish GDPGDP: contacted by about 4 percent, which resulted in a swiftswift: drop down to 11th position in the OECDOECD: comparison in 1993. Since then the Swedish economy has performed better. However, in terms of its position relative to the other countries, Sweden has not improved in the ranking.

When comparing the purchasing power adjusted GDPGDP: per capitaper capita:, it is important to note that the differences between some countries are very small. Also, GDPGDP: data is often revised, which may lead to rapid changes in the ranking.

Last updated: 2024-09-18

by Katarina Wagman

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